Seller Club Podcast

Episode 67: The Mencius Mindset

Seller Club Podcast Season 1 Episode 67

Only when a man will not do some things, is he capable of doing great things. -Mencius

Today we dig into this quote from Confucian philosopher, Mencius, and see how it applies to us, our reselling lifestyles and businesses, and more. We talk through what we each take away from his statement and further discuss some of the things we’re willing to NOT do in order to be in the position to do something we consider great. Join us and consider how your own Mencius Mindset is playing out in real time!

Don’t forget - the Spring Seller Check-In eBay is hosting virtually on Friday, March 7 at 12PM PT/3PM ET - all for FREE! 

Get registered HERE to join us at the check-in and hear more about continued improvements to your listing flow, eBay’s Facebook Marketplace integration, all the newest AI improvements, and a bunch of fashion marketing and news. 

If you love podcast content created for eBay sellers, don’t forget to follow us @sellerclubpodcast and @ebayforsellers and @sellerledger on Instagram.

Watch our IG in the month of March for our Merch Madness challenges and prizes!
Check out the best bookkeeping software for sellers out there–Seller Ledger–for an entire month for free →

Thanks so much for tuning in–tell a friend, rate, subscribe, review, and meet us back in the clubhouse again next week!